Christmas Eve!

I am sitting in my writing bar on Christmas Eve, working on my next book, when I realized it has been a long road for The Arena.  The time to write it was significant on it's own, but then add in the time to edit the story, create the cover, discover what exactly goes into publishing and printing a novel, and then trying to show it off to people who might actually wish to purchase a thing from a first time novelist.  I am grateful for everyone who contributed to this art.

Firstly I need to thank my family.  The number of nights sitting alone in dark corners and noisy bars has felt like a weird lifestyle change, and they not only let me do it, but encouraged me.  My children especially became excited when progress was made and celebrated with me each time I reached a milestone.  I appreciate them and I give them what I can.

A friend, Kai, helped inspire me to get started.  While i have always enjoyed writing and reveled in my creativity, Kai was the inspiration to get me going.  My short stories began with Kai and continued to test my ability to write.  Without you, there would be no novel, and I appreciate this unlocked gift.

Stasias likewise saw my gift and nurtured it.  She frequently gave me some of the best feedback I could receive and grew as a writer.  My creativity and writing style changed and molded with our discussions, and i will never forget the writing prompts and tests she gave.  A true treasure.

Dean has been one of my closest friends for years and I have thought of him as an older brother for most of them.  When my writing slacked, or i became lazy, he was there with a firm hand or awesome advice.  He is the inspiration for a character in The Arena.  I love that man, and his wife Donna.  Those two give me the strength to keep going when i want to quit, or can't handle a headspace.  I cannot stress enough, If you want to be great and do something amazing, find yourself an awesome older sibling to guide you. You will be a better person in the end for it.

I need to throw in here Justus.  Another friend and confidant, he would question everything.  There were times when he would read what I wrote and then question it to death and leave me aggravated and worn out.  There is no room for false narratives or loopholes with Justus.  Without him, pieces of the story would seem super easy, barely an inconvenience, and likely unreadable.  Thank you for making my story great.

Raichawn is my editor.  He coached me on techniques and strategies in writing/story telling which i have never heard.  He is a wealth of knowledge and encouragement and I am happy to have him dissect my story to make it better than it could ever be.  He is a hero and I am thankful to have him help me.  I will definitely be using him to bring book two up to another level.  

Sidney, Mindy, Amy, Duran and his wife Clarissa, Weatherly, and anyone else who just listened to me talk about my book while I was writing.  Many times i would be at work, minding my own business, moving plotlines and characters through time when they would pop up and give me just the right amount of inspiration required to push the story along.  Sometimes they did it deliberately, other times without their knowledge.  I am grateful for the people in my life that somehow helped me become an author.  I am an author, not because I wrote a novel, but because I am Bonded to people and they inspired me to create.  

I love you people.  Stay Bonded friends.

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